Special Education - Secondary
Offered at IU Bloomington by School of Education.
This program leads to certification for teaching both elementary education and special education in grades K through 6. More specifically, the program prepares you to teach in classrooms containing students with and without disabilities. Course work focuses on integrating theories, philosophies, and techniques associated with both general and special education traditions. You'll also receive intensive field experience working with students of different abilities.
Because of the high demand for teachers who are qualified to work with students with exceptional needs, you can expect a wide range of career opportunities when you complete the program. In addition to having the skills to teach in a traditional elementary classroom, graduates are prepared to work as consultant teachers, co-teachers in inclusive settings, and teachers in self-contained classrooms for students with exceptional needs.
The Teaching All Learners (TAL) program offers dual degrees, preparing students for licensure in both Elementary Special Education and Elementary General Education.