French (100% online)
Offered at IU Indianapolis by School of Liberal Arts.
The IU Online Master of Arts for Teachers in French combines coursework in education and French to prepare you to be a dual-credit instructor at the high school and community-college levels.
You will deepen your proficiency in French through advanced graduate coursework and gain a comprehensive understanding of Francophone cultures and of French as a living language. You will study and practice various language-teaching methodologies, thereby improving your instructional skills and your students' learning outcomes.
Of special interest for dual-credit and community college instructors needing to meet HLC Sstandards:
The stackable structure of the MAT in French is ideal for dual-credit and community college teachers who need to meet the Higher Learning Commission's instructor qualification standards. These standards require teachers to hold either a master's degree in their area of instruction or a master's degree in another discipline (such as education), plus at least 18 credit hours of discipline-specific graduate coursework.