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Degrees & Majors


Bachelor of Arts


A Bachelor of Arts in Anthropology can prepare you for a wide range of fields in anthropology- and archaeology-related fields including archaeology companies, anthropology labs, museums, schools, government agencies, private corporations, and more.

It will also make you well-equipped for work in social agencies and programs related to social services such as child welfare, family counseling, community development, mental hospitals, drug treatment, and education.

With this degree, you can focus on one of four main areas:

  • Cultural anthropology: Focuses on culture, ethnocentrism, cultural aspects of language and communication, subsistence and other economic patterns, kinship, sex and marriage, socialization, social control, political organization, class, ethnicity, gender, religion, and culture change.
  • Physical anthropology: Focuses on mechanisms of biological evolution, genetic inheritance, human adaptability and variation, primatology, and the fossil record of human evolution.
  • Archaeology: Focuses on prehistory and early history of cultures around the world; major trends in cultural evolution; and techniques for finding, excavating, dating, and analyzing material remains of past societies.
  • Linguistic anthropology: This is concerned with the human communication process, focusing on the importance of socio-cultural influences; nonverbal communication; and the structure, function, and history of languages, dialects, pidgins, and Creoles.

The Department of Sociology and Anthropology also offers programs in sociology (major/minor), a minor in anthropology, and a concentration in Women's and Gender Studies.

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