Human Resource Management
Offered at IU South Bend by College of Professional Studies.
The Human Resource (HR) Management Program is designed for students whose career objectives encompass the field of human resources. While company titles may vary from vice president of strategic human resources to vice president for organization planning and development, there are few firms of any size or consequence today that do not have a human resources specialist reporting directly to the company's highest level. This practice reflects the awareness that its human resources are an organization's greatest asset. For this reason, the curriculum is designed to acquaint the student with modern human resources management in its broadest sense. Included are the traditional areas of HR administration and labor relations such as employment, management development, wage and salary administration, organization planning, and contract negotiations, as well as developments in the behavioral sciences and the implications for a complete human resources program. The objectives at the undergraduate level are to provide the student with a broad spectrum of knowledge for career preparation in organizational leadership; to prepare the student for a career in modern, professional human resources management; and to encourage and develop interest in further study and research in the area of human resources development and utilization. An internship is required to allow the student to fully embody the role of a human resource professional.