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Patent prosecution involves drafting patent applications for new inventions and arguing their patentability before U.S. and foreign patent offices. This course will provide a complete overview of the paten process and will emphasize practical skills that are the foundation for any practicing patent attorney. Students will learn how to work with clients (inventors), search for prior art and draft the written invention description and claims of a patent application. The course covers filing of the application with the U.S. Patent Office, dealing with the paten office Examiners, and handling appeals from Examiner decisions. Post-issuance procedures, such as reexamination and reissue are also covered. The application of these principles to foreign patent practice will be explained, including management of foreign patent portfolios and the effects of foreign patent prosecution on corresponding U.S. cases. Finally, important considerations arising during due diligence investigations and patent licensing will be discussed. This course will provide a wealth of information for students considering patent law as a specialization, as well as for those students who seek only to deepen their understanding of patent law.
