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Degrees & Majors

Comprehensive Design

Bachelor of Science in Comprehensive Design


The B.S. in Comprehensive Design is a unique interdisciplinary program, where students explore the links between many different areas of art and design, including objects, furniture, interiors, architecture, public art, and the urban environment. The curriculum focuses on the concept of design thinking—a fundamental process of problem-solving that addresses social challenges and the tangible needs of users. While other majors emphasize specialization, the Comprehensive Design major fosters a multifaceted understanding of the design process and equips students with valuable skills to reach across disciplines and collaborate with individuals from varied backgrounds.

Students cultivate their ability to define a design problem, study precedents from history, ideate many solutions to the problem, devise and construct a variety of prototypes, and refine and implement the most effective design solution. They develop their curiosity, empathy, and observational skills as they engage in research and employ creative applications of technology. They learn how to thoroughly test a design solution and draw conclusions from their findings. There is emphasis on process over product.