Offered at IU Indianapolis by School of Liberal Arts
Located in the heart of Indiana's vibrant capital city, the Department of English in the IU School of Liberal Arts in Indianapolis is your live connection to everything.
From the literary legacies of Kurt Vonnegut and Mari Evans to exciting internships in the city's businesses, its multicultural communities, and state and municipal governments, our department promises experience in abundance.
Join our community of passionate students and faculty in discovering how language, reading, and writing shape our understanding, broaden our perspective, and change our world.
The Department of English offers introductory and advanced instruction in the methods and traditions of literary analysis, writing, and language study. Its programs are in five areas: linguistics, literature, writing, creative writing, and film studies.
Through its courses and other activities in linguistics, writing, creative writing, film, and literature, the department works to create and sustain evolving communities of learners interested in the contributions of language to what has been called the examined life—a thoughtful, morally aware, and civically and personally responsible existence. Faculty and students aim for excellence in analyzing, understanding, and communicating about language and its beauties.
The Bachelor of Arts in English degree program has multiple concentrations:
- Creative Writing. View the degree map.
- Film Studies. View the degree map.
- Linguistics. View the degree map.
- Literature. View the degree map.
- Professional and Public Writing. View the degree map.
For more information, see our departmental webpage.