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Degrees & Majors

Accounting (100% online)

Bachelor of Science in Accounting


This is a 100% online program offered by IU East, IU Kokomo, IU Northwest, IU Southeast, and IU South Bend.

Want to study in a career-focused program ranked among the best in the nation by U.S. News & World Report? Looking to become one of the more than half of IU online students to advance in their careers while earning their degree? Do you want a business degree respected by employers worldwide?

You can have all that and more as a student in the Chancellor's Bachelor of Science in Accounting online degree.

Being taught by professors across multiple campuses, you'll learn how to perform accounting tasks and provide data-driven solutions, fostering effective analytical and critical-thinking skills to prepare yourself for a career in auditing, consulting, corporate/public accounting, investment banking, taxation, and more.

Is learning in person more your style? Check out our AACSB International accredited accounting degree.

Already have your bachelor's and looking for what's next? IU Northwest's School of Business and Economics offers several graduate programs to elevate your career.

Ready for the next step?